May 2024

Pandora’s Promise

 Having never formally studied the mythology, presented with a word association test for the term “Pandora’s”, I would have said “box”. Interestingly, that response would only be correct from the perspective that the word that I had always heard follow the possessive name of the greek deity who was said to have released “all the evils of humanity” from her jar…yes, jar, was “box”. Apparently it wasn’t a box that she was originally attributed to letting evil spill from, it was a jar.

Likewise, I was, for many years, led to believe that nuclear energy was evil from any perspective. The simplified and often dishonest narrative was one that would be the core motivation for my initial response following the March 11th earthquake in Japan and subsequent nuclear reactor debacle in Fukushima. What has transpired for me since then has been an awakening and frustrating realization about the hope (which is what was said to be all that remained in Pandora’s jar) that nuclear power really holds for society if we could simply get beyond our ignorant fears and open our minds to the facts.

Pandora’s Promise is a new narrative (new in format and scope of the individuals it includes) that attempts to shift the tide of public opinion and understanding while there is still hope that doing so will be in time.

Peace  Approve

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